Mouhamad Ghyath Jamil, MD, FCCP

Dr. Mouhamad Ghyath Jamil graduated from Aleppo University, Syria. After finishing his residency in internal medicine at University of North Dakota, he joined the university as an associate professor. Dr. Jamil finished his fellowship in Pulmonary, Critical Care and sleep Medicine at George Washington University.

He is Board certified in Internal medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep medicine.

He is currently a consultant in Pulmonary, Critical Care and sleep Medicine at King Faisal Hospital and Research Center. He is the medical director of Tele-ICU and Sleep Medicine unit.

He is an active member of many societies including American Colleague of Chest Physician, Society of Critical Care Medicine, American Society of Sleep Medicine, Saudi Society of Critical Care, Saudi Thoracic Society, and Middle East Critical Care Assembly.

He has a major interest in E-health; he established the first Tele-ICU program in Middle East.